Simply Wild
The slot Simply Wild from Stake Logic, is a well-known name among the older players. This casino slot has a basic game and a top game, most credits you will get in the top game. You must have enough credits on the clubmeter to play in the top game on the slot machine Simply Wild. In the top game you are playing with multiple paylines, and so you have more chance to win mega prizes. Try this slot for free online, or with real money, so you can fill up your bank account.
These reels feature special STAR SYMBOLS that display both a FRUIT or a BELL symbol AND a STAR together on the same symbol. A combination of any 3 FRUIT/BELL and STAR symbols on a win line awards a special STAR prize. These special FRUIT/BELL and STAR symbols can also complete a winning combination with regular FRUIT/BELL symbols when the fruits/bells match. Mixed STAR and FRUIT/BELL combinations award the value of 3 FRUIT/BELL symbols.